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After a succesful 2019 IFOMSSA Challenge (pictures here), the 2019 IFOMSSA Awards Presentation Ceremony has been scheduled for Wednesday, March the 27th, 2019. This award was established in 2017 to honour the memory of the late Mr. Ifedioramma Isaac Okafor (1939 -...
The "2019 IFOMSSA Challenge", for choosing of the OCI Foundation's annual "IFOMSSA Senior Scholarship Award". Held on Monday, February 11th, 2019, at Nsugbe, Anambra East Local Government Area, Nigeria. ...
The OCI Foundation wishes everyone a happy 2019. Here is a Goodwill Video Message from the Foundation's President. Watch to see our Inspiring Past, our Exciting Present, and our Hugely Promising Future . . . #werisebyliftingothers. ...
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