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1. Winners always find ways to win. When down, they grab aces as they rise. When up, they use the aces they have. Be a winner . . . Find an ace in every circumstance.
(Chris O. Ifediora, OCI)
2. Rise, if you must; Excel, if you can; Succeed, if you will!
Whatever you do, lift others as you rise.(Chris O. Ifediora, OCI)
3. “Ups” and “Downs” are inevitable in life. Where possible, amplify your “ups”, so that future failures become impossible, and minimise your “downs”, so that future successes remain possible.
(Chris O. Ifediora, OCI)
4. Rise, by lifting others!
(Chris O. Ifediora, OCI)
5. Humans hardly change. A betrayer today, will do same tomorrow.
Will-power is a virtue needed for human change, but it is lacked by many, and embraced by a few.(Chris O. Ifediora, OCI)
6. No star shines forever, but the brightest stars are remembered forever. Shine your brightest.
Your failures will be forgotten, but your successes will immortalize you.(Chris O. Ifediora, OCI)
7. The alleyway to the top may be crowded and envy-laden, but it is surprisingly roomy and spacious up there. Aspire for the very top.
(Chris O. Ifediora, OCI)
8. Inspired minds dream the unimaginable, surmount the impossible, achieve the unachievable, and create the unthinkable.
(Chris O. Ifediora, OCI)
9. The future belongs, not to those who just dream, but to those who make their dreams happen.
(Chris O. Ifediora, OCI)
10. Never, ever make excuses to rationalise your failures. Whatever happens, just find a way to conquer your generation.
(Chris O. Ifediora, OCI)
11. To be assured of success, be ready to finance it; To be assured of greatness, be ready to sponsor it. The force that surmounts limitations to lofty heights are innate. Find it. Use it.
(Chris O. Ifediora, OCI)
12. IN LIFE, leave little room for regrets. Before any action, Explore all sound options, and Consult all sound minds. With undesirable outcomes, Just reflect, . . . and learn. But never, ever, regret. And never, ever, make the same mistake twice.
(Chris O. Ifediora, OCI)
13. THE BIGGEST obstacles to your dreams will not come from your enemies or detractors. They can only really “WISH” failure, not effect it; Your biggest obstacles will come from within yourself, family, friends, associates, and all those close enough to sow doubts and stop those success-defining steps; TRUST your inner instincts. LIVE YOUR DREAMS!!
(Chris O. Ifediora, OCI)
14. ``BE READY to forgo anything in life, should the need arise. AT DEATH, we all let go of everything, anyway. Why not do the same in life? TAKE everything seriously; GIVE your best always, But keep nothing to heart. THESE, folks, are the keys to long-term happiness. Adopt them, and BE HAPPY!!!``
(Chris O. Ifediora, OCI)
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