Event Schedule – The 2022 IFOMSSA Awards Ceremony: March 18th, 2022
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15 March, 2022 No commentThe Arm Our Youths (ArOY) Health Campaign is a Harvard-endorsed, WHO-supported and evidence-based anti-breast and cervical cancer intiative targeting Nigerian high school teens.
We receive numerous testimonies from our beneficiaries, their teachers, and other individuals, and these reveal the impact of our work.
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15 March, 2022 No commentWatch and see some awe-inspiring testimonies given to the Foundation by some dignitaries and stakeholders that witnessed some of our activities.
Eight Speakers!
Eighteen Minutes!!
Ten different Viewpoints!!!
And, this is just the beginning . . .
Support our “Educational Activities” like the Cyfed Scholarships, IFOMSSA Senior and Junior Awards, JAMB Awards, and Cyfed Donations.
Support our “Health Activities“, including the Arm Our Youths Campaign, the Free Health Checks and Enlightenments, and so on.
Support our “Direct Empowerment”, to help beneficiaries not in formal education with skills acquisition and soft loans.
Support our “Other Charity” projects that benefits orphans, widows, and other disadvantaged groups in our communities.
Fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as we can.