When, despite doing everything right, despite taking seemingly the right decisions . . .,
Making adequate plans and excellently executing them . . . things still go wrong
When, despite fervent prayers and fastings, God just didn’t hear you, or maybe heard . . ., and chose to ignore.
Perhaps because your sins are simply too many that you have to pay
Or that you didn’t work hard enough
Or just that it was fated to be
Or that maybe it wasn’t the right time
Or that it just had to happen for a reason we mortals are not meant to know . . .
And your world comes crumbling down . . All you’ve laboured for, taken time to build, and worked so hard for;
When events seem to defy all forms of sound logic and explanations
And our best appear miles from being good enough
When results fail to reflect the hard works, and output is far below input
When you wonder what you were supposed to learn from such disappointments, not seeing any. . , at least not immediately
When you actually pray to see God, just to ask Him “why”?
When you almost decide to give up your quest to excel, and drop your big dreams
When nightmares become reality
When many unanswered questions fill your lips, and unproven theories sprout in your mind, all in attempts to search for explanations . . Some right, others obviously wrong, but never sure which is what;
When those who love us, those who admire us, and those who believe in us look in utter disbelief and disappointment and ask, “What went wrong”?
When we urge our loved ones to understand, not sure we even understood things ourselves
When mortals like us, who decide our fate, issue apparently irrational judgements on us, perhaps to actualize that which was meant to be
When supposedly less gifted men succeed in areas we fail
All men, great or small, experience it . . . at least once in their lifetime
But only the great ones understand it as an inevitable part of life, necessary perhaps as life itself. . , needed to push us through to greater heights
A constant reminder that we can influence little in our lives as mortals, and that fate ratifies all our struggles and prospects
And that only God knows best
But we have to shelve the disappointments and move ahead, believing in ourselves and our minds
And depending on our dreams and taking bold steps (and damning the risks) to actualize them
For in the mind lies the power of a man to rise again . . . always. . after disappointing and painful failures
For only the mind can make a man perceive the light at the end of a dark tunnel, and the silver lining around a dark cloud
For only your mind can convince you that whatever happens, you must never give up . . ., and will always conquer
Knowing that you will cross the stream . . ., only when the time is right
Please always remember all these . . .