LAMS Submissions Open: The 2024 National (4th Edition) of the Literary Award for Medical Students (LAMS) Nigeria (Oct 21 to Nov 10, 2024)

LAMS Submissions Open: The 2024 National (4th Edition) of the Literary Award for Medical Students (LAMS) Nigeria (Oct 21 to Nov 10, 2024)

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Submissions for the “2024 OCI Foundation-Auwal Shanono Literary Award for Medical Students (LAMS) Essay Competition” opens on Monday, October 21, 2024.

LAMS is an OCI Foundation-sponsored national essay competition for all medical students and all medical schools in Nigeria. Scroll down to see the essay topic, prizes, entry guidelines and tips on how to win.

The OCI Foundation (Nigeria) delivers LAMS in conjunction with the Auwal Shanono Foundation, the charity arm of the Nigerian Medical Students Association (NiMSA), which is the umbrella body of all medical students’ associations in Nigeria. It was an initiative borne out of the OCI Foundation President’s desire to inspire literary prowess among future Nigerian medical doctors. The President, Assoc Prof Chris Ifediora, was, himself a one-time medical student in Nigeria.

Detailed reasons and rationale for the OCI Foundation’s involvement can be found HERE.

This is the Fourth “Nigerian National Edition”, having been held successfully in the past 3 years. The 2021 winners and 2022 winners at the national level can be viewed anytime, while pictures of some of these past winners are available HERE.

A “Regional Nigerian Version” that will enter its 5th edition this 2024 also exists (see HERE). Students participating in the South-East Regional contest can still participate in the National one. Only one entry submitted to the email listed below from an eligible student autoimatically enrols the participant in both contests.

The “British and Australian Versions of LAMS” is being planned for all medical schools in the United Kingdom and Australia, respectively, are expected sometime in 2025. A recent outing that talked about them are captured HERE.

ESSAY FLYER (1 of 2): Topic, Tips, Prizes, and Dates.

Assuming you are hired by the OCI Foundation to oversee its Basic Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Emergency Response Strategies (BACERS)” project, what strategies and measures would you adopt in order to achieve the stated goals?

  • Nigerian lives have been lost needlessly from sudden deaths resulting from collapses, accidents and other unfortunate issues. A big problem is that an overwhelming proportion of Nigerians are ill-equipped to respond properly in these life and death situations, with many lacking even the minimum knowledge of emergency resuscitation measures.


  • To optimise knowledge levels and basic skills among Nigerians for responding during life-threatening emergencies, the OCI Foundation is now at advanced stages of introducing its so-called the Basic Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Emergency Response Strategies (BACERS) for Nigerians”.


  • Starting from early 2025, the OCI Foundation intends to reach all Nigerians (aged 10 years or older) across all the 36 states of its Federation and the FCT using BACERS measures that are all-encompassing, sustainable and cost-effective.


  • The goal of BACERS is to ensure that a minimum of 50% of all targeted Nigerians gain the required knowledge and skills within two years of the program roll-out, with 75% achieving the same in five years.


Tips For Essay (1 of 2): VIDEO COMING SOON (Vide Below was for the 2024 Edition)
Tips for Essay (2 of 2): TEXT
  1. While you are encouraged to introduce fresh ideas, multi-pronged models similar to the OCI Foundation’s “Arm Our Youths (ArOY) Anti-Cancer Health Campaign” that is targeting senior secondary schools, colleges of education using the CerviBreast Mobile Phone Application, and involving institutions like the NYSC and the Nigerian National Assembly for passage of relevant legislative bills, can be developed I your essay.


  1. A model linking suggestions to the existing ArOY Health Campaign or other OCI Foundation programs or innovations, will be scored highly. Information on ArOY can be found online and on the OCI Foundation’s website and CerviBreast Mobile Phone Application.


  1. To Read/Download an Essay Guide/Handbook developed by NiMSA, click HERE.

Participants must be Nigerian Medical Students with valid ID cards from any recognized medical school within the country. Any level study is acceptable.


OPENING DATE: 21/10/2024

CLOSING DATE: 10/11/2024

All submissions must go to: [email protected]

  • First Prize: N150, 000 + Certificate


  • Second Prize: N100,000 + Certificate + Membership of the OCI Foundation


  • Third Prize: N70,000 + Certificate + Membership of the OCI Foundation


  • Seven Consolation Prizes: N20,000 each + Certificates + Membership of the OCI Foundation
  1.  Ifeoluwa Oyewole (08024902977)
  2. Olamide Oludoju (0807 900 1838)
  • Inaugural (2020) LAMS for South-East Nigerian Medical Schools: Click HERE.


  • Inaugural (2020) National LAMS/Auwal Shanano Sponsored by the OCI Foundation: Click HERE.



  • Expansion of LAMS to become a national project and cover all Nigerian medical schools: Click HERE.


  • Appreciation Letters from Nigerian Medical Students: Click HERE.
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