15 Feb 2020 Event and Speech: The Nigerian Navy Secondary School, Lagos, Nigeria benefits from the OCI Foundation’s ArOY Campaign (Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2020)
On Friday, February the 14th, 2020, the OCI Foundation participated in a special Valentine’s Day event organized by the Seraphine Outreach, a Nigerian-based NGO founded by Dr. (Mrs) Chioma Seraphine NWOSU. The event, titled, “the one who truly loves you”, was staged at the Nigerian Navy Secondary School, Navy Town, Ojo, Lagos State, Nigeria.
The OCI Foundation was represented by Mrs Roseline Ify Anijekwu, a Champion of the Foundation’s Arm Our Youths (ArOY) Health Campaign. She is also the CEO of Caverra World, a Nigerian-based NGO. The Male and Female Teenage Faces of the OCI Foundation’s ArOY Health Campaign were also in attendance, along with other members and volunteers of the Foundation’s Lagos branch. To see all the pictures from the event, click HERE.
Highlights of the day included were:
- A brief speech by the OCI Foundation’s President, which was delivered by Mrs Roseline Anijekwu on behalf of the President;
- A brief lecture on breast and cervical preventive techniques by Mrs Roseline Anijekwu, a Champion of the Foundation’s ArOY Campaign;
- Presentation of the Arm Our Youths Health Campaign textbooks to the Nigerian Navy Secondary School, Navy Town, Ojo, Lagos State, Nigeria;
- Brief speeches by the other representatives of the Campaign, including the Male and Female Teenage Faces of the OCI Foundation’s ArOY Health Campaign;
- Presentation of Valentine Gifts to the School, as well as the cutting of the Valentine Cake.
The “Arm Our Youths Health Campaign” is an innovative, Harvard-endorsed, evidence-based health promotion initiative aimed at introducing anti-breast and anti-cervical cancer teachings into the regular academic curriculum of all senior secondary schools in Nigeria. It is already fully functional in all the 261 schools in Anambra State, and schools in Benue State are set to roll it within the next few months. Details of the Campaign are available HERE.
The full Speech delivered at the event can be found below:
We say a warm greeting to everyone.
We are pleased to be involved in this special Valentine’s Day activity, which we understand is being organized by Amb. Dr. (Mrs) Seraphine NWOSU, the CEO of the Seraphine Outreach (TSO). Remembering the girl child on a day like this, is a noble gesture that only a noble mind can conceive. The OCI Foundation is pleased to be involved in it. We are pleased to be associated with it. And we say a big “thank you” to the organizers, for inviting us.
For the records, the OCI Foundation is an international charity organization that is formally registered in both Nigeria and in Australia, with the aim of achieving 3 main things. The first is to “Promote and Advance Health”; the second is to “Advance Education”; and the last is to “Advance Social and Public Welfare”.
Founded in 2016, the primary beneficiaries of our activities are Nigerian youths. Since inception, we are pleased to state that the OCI Foundation has offered scores of educational scholarships, and have delivered our health campaigns to thousands of Nigerian youths. That health campaign, called the Arm Our Youths (ArOY) Health Campaign, is our Valentine’s Gift to everyone here today.
The Arm Our Youths (ArOY) Health Campaign primarily targets Nigerian teenage females who are in senior secondary schools. Most of us here today fall into this category, and this is why we are very pleased to be here. The gospel of the Arm Our Youths (ArOY) Health Campaign is designed for an audience like this. On a special day like the St. Valentine’s Day, many young ones embark on journeys that will inevitably end in tears and sorrows. Many lose the lofty dreams of their parents, and do so on a simple platter of false love and fake promises. Today, we offer a message OF true love.
As already stated, the OCI Foundation’s ArOY Health Campaign is designed to empower Nigerian youths by integrating anti-breast and anti-cervical cancer teachings into the regular curriculum of all senior secondary schools in Nigeria. It presents a wide-reaching, sustainable and cost-effective anti-cancer program, designed to benefit millions of Nigerian women that are at risk, in a timely, efficient and culturally-acceptable manner.
It has already been fully implemented in all the 261 schools in Anambra State, while Benue State will introduce it within the next few months. We aim to achieve 100% coverage of all the schools and states in Nigeria, and if the relevant authorities in Lagos State are listening to this message, we will be glad to work with them in making Lagos only the third Nigerian State to benefit from this program. We invite you to partner with us on this noble mission.
We completely agree with today’s theme, which, we understand, is “the one that truly loves you”. There is no greater love than the one shown by a mentor who empowers you, and a coach who strives to make you a better person. As such, we commend the organizers of this event, particularly the Convener. Madam, please keep it up.
The ArOY Campaign is not just for girls. It is also for boys. There is no greater way to share the love of St Valentine’s Day than to share with your loved ones, the life-saving gospel of this Campaign. You can start sharing this love right now. To do this, though, you need to first arm yourself with the “bible” of this gospel. This bible can be obtained simply by downloading the free “OCI CerviBreast” mobile phone application through your Google Play Store. Those with iPhones will have it within the next 4 weeks.
Download this App, right here, right now, and at this very minute. Bring out your phones, ladies and gentlemen, and get it done. It is free. Once downloaded, please share it with your loved ones as your special Valentine’s Day Gift to them. Share it with you parents, wives, husbands, daughters, sons, friends and associates. Share it with all your contacts on WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and so on. Please, do this now . . . .
“Happy Valentine’s Day” to everyone”. God bless you all.
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