05 Feb 2019 Press Release: The 2019 IFOMSSA Challenge Final List
The OCI Foundation is pleased to announce the final list of the 38 students that will be sitting for the Third Edition (2019) of the annual IFOMSSA Challenge. The list is drawn mainly from the best students attending the 10 state government-owned secondary schools in Anambra East Local Government Area of Anambra State, Nigeria.

This year, top 3 students from each of the other 2 Local Government Areas in Otuocha Educational Zone of Anambra State, Nigeria (Ayamelum and Anambra West) are also included. From 2020, 3 students from each of the schools in these 2 latter LGAs will be included.
Date:Monday, February 11, 2019.
Venue:Community High School, Nsugbe, Nigeria.
Time:From 10am.
The top 15 performers (or so) in this IFOMSSA Challenge examination will receive the 2019 Senior IFOMSSA Award.
This award, created in memory of the late ObiIfedioramma Isaac Okafor (the father of the OCI Foundation Founder, Dr. Chris Ifediora), will cover the entire registration fees of the winners for the 2019 Senior Secondary School (NECO and WASSCE) examinations. Details can be found here: https://www.ocifoundationng.org/ifomssaawards/.
The management of the OCI Foundation wishes the candidates success in this, and their subsequent examinations. The Cyfed Scholarships (another educational project of the OCI Foundation) await those of you that will proceed to their undergraduate university studies. Details of this scholarship are available at https://www.ocifoundationng.org/cyfed-scholarship-eligibility/.

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