03 Dec 2021 Quiz Day 6 of 6 (Full Story, Pics; Ist Edition): Awka Zone of Nigeria’s Anambra State holds the “ArOY Health Campaign Schools Challenge, AHCSC”, Ahead of the Grand Finale on February 4, 2022 (02/12/2021)
02/12/21: Awka Zone of Anambra State (Nigeria) holds its own OCI Foundation’s “ArOY Health Campaign Schools Challenge, AHCSC”. This is the sixth (and final) Zone to hold its quiz, after Nnewi Zone (on 07/10/2021, Otuocha Zone (12/10/2021), Ogidi Zone (14/10/2021), Onitsha Zone (28/10/2021) and Aguata Zone (01/12/2021), have held theirs.
Awka makes up one of the 6 Educational Zones in Anambra State. Two winners will emerge from each zone, ahead of the Grande Finale that will hold on February the 4th, 2022 in Awka, the capital city of Anambra State. February 4th is Global World Cancer Day.
The “Anambra ArOY Health Campaign Schools Challenge, (Anambra AHCSC)” is being staged in conjunction with the Post Primary Schools Service Commission (PPSSC) of Anambra State. The PPSSC has SIX zones in Anambra State, and these include Aguata, Awka, Nnewi, Ogidi, Onitsha, and Otuocha zones. It is designed to enhance engagement with the Arm Our Youths (ArOY) Health Campaign, which, in September 2019, introduced anti-breast and anti-cervical cancer teachings into the curriculum of all public senior secondary schools in Anambra State.
The Grande Finale will hold on (or around) February the 4th of every year, which will coincide with the annual commemoration of the Global World Cancer Day. For the inaugural (2021/2022) edition, the zonal round will start on October 7th with the Nnewi Zone, and end at the Onitsha Zone on October 28. The Grand Finale will hold on February the 4th, 2022 in Awka, the capital city of Anambra State.
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