22 Jan 2023 T-Shirts, 2023 Edition (Video/Pics): OCI Foundation’s ArOY Anti-Cancer Health Campaign with NYSC (January 2023).
Here are the T-Shirts (2023 Edition) for the OCI Foundation’s Arm Our Youths (ArOY) Anti-Cancer Health Campaign With The NYSC (January 2023).
Each of the 37 NYSC camps across Nigeria will get regular samples of the shirt, for Free. These will be made available to volunteer corps members in all the 3 batches (and 6 streams) of 2023, along with the anchors (NYSC and NCS staff) of the ArOY Campaign. The ArOY Health Campaign is an annual program designed to reach millions of Nigerian youths (in high schools and in the NYSC program).
The ArOY Health Campaign is now in its 2nd year, having starred in 2022. It empowers these youths with life-saving anti-breast and anti-breast cancer messages using what is a novel, sustainable, and evidence-based approach, developed with the input of the Harvard Medical School, USA.
The NYSC is the largest youth organisation in Africa, and is in official partnership with the OCI Foundation International.
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