VIDEOS: Meeting of the OCI Foundation and the NYSCs Department of Community Services (CDS) on 01/03/2021, ahead of the nationwide roll-out of the ArOY Health Campaign (Abuja, Nigeria)

VIDEOS: Meeting of the OCI Foundation and the NYSCs Department of Community Services (CDS) on 01/03/2021, ahead of the nationwide roll-out of the ArOY Health Campaign (Abuja, Nigeria)

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On Monday, March 1st, 2021, the OCI Foundation was hosted by the NYSCs Department of Community Services (CDS), at its National Headqaurters in Abuja, Nigeria, and here are some vdieos from the meeting, with pledges from both sides to ensure he sucsess of the Arm Our Youths (ArOY) anti-cancer health initiative.

Video 1 of 3: Hear the NYSC pledge commitment to the partnership and the ArOY Campaign

Video 2 of 3: The OCI Foundation lays out strategies.

Video 3 of 3: Full speech from the NYSC Director.

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