30 Dec 2020 Full story: OCI Foundation features in Gboko Festival, supporting the “Great Gboko Reunion Association, GGRA” (December 24th – 31st, 2020)
As part of its commitments towards the “Arm Our Youths (ArOY) Health Campaign”, the OCI Foundation featured prominently in the 2020 Festival organized by the “Great Gboko Reunion Association, GGRA”, which held in Gboko, Benue State of Nigeria, from December the 24th to the 31st, 2020.
The ArOY Campaign is a novel health initiative of the OCI Foundation that seeks to promote anti-breast and anti-cervical cancer messages across the whole of Nigeria. As shown in the video clip below, the OCI Foundation displayed its anti-cancer messages in the official magazine of the event, and was listed as an official partner to the event.
The GGRA is an NGO established by indigenes of Gboko, Benue State of Nigeria, and this 2020 festival is the Second Edition of an event that promotes a range of activities like sports, musical concerts, cultural displays, networking opportunities, among others.
The OCI Foundation was represented by its Administrative Officer-III, Ms Felicia DAGU, who is also an official of GGRA. Others that featured for the OCI Foundation at the event were Mr Luter Ikyobo and Ms Elizabeth Zanna Dagu.
The OCI Foundation is considering a yearly participation at the event.
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