08 Oct 2022 Lagos State (Pics and Videos): OCI Foundation Starts ArOY Health Campaign Sensitization for Schools (Nigeria; October, 2022)
07/10/2022: As part of its “Arm Our Youths (ArOY) Anti-cancer Health Campaign”, the Lagos State team of the OCI Foundation was at the “LORIE CHARLES FRENCH ACADEMY”, FESTAC Town, Lagos, Nigeria.
The outing focused on the empowerment of senior secondary school students on the preventive measures of breast and cervical cancers, both of which have their roots in the teenage years. These two are also the top killer cancers in Nigeria.
Mrs Roseline ANIJEKWU, the OCI Foundation’s Champion for Lagos State (and also the CEO of the NGO, Caverra World), was accompanied by Mrs Chioma ANAGO, an Advocacy Team Member of the Foundation in Lagos. The ArOY Health Campaign is an OCI Foundation’s initiative that seeks to directly empower Nigerian youths on anti-breast and anti-cervical cancer preventive measures.
Through the project, the OCI Foundation regularly delivers (since February 2022) organizes cancer campaigns across all the 37 orientation camps of the Nigerian National Youths Service Corps (NYSC).
In addition, the Foundation is sponsoring a Bill through the Nigerian National Assembly (NASS), in its quest to introduce anti-breast and anti-cervical cancer teachings into the curriculum of all Nigerian Senior Secondary Schools. As at October 7, 2022, that Bill is awaiting its 3rd (and Final Reading) on the floor of the Nigerian House of Representatives, having already scaled through 1st and 2nd readings, as well as a well-attended Public Hearing.
The OCI Foundation is very grateful to Mrs Anijekwu and Mrs Anago, for this great outing in Lagos. We all look forward to more Lagos schools benefitting through your noble commitment to this project, and to humanity.
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