24 Sep 2024 Video/Pics: OCI Foundation Promotes Social Welfare and Igbo Tradition in Hometown of Founder (Nsugbe, Nigeria; 18/09/2024)
As part of its Social and Public Welfare activities (the third tier of its activity tripod), the OCI Foundation has supported young ladies involved in the 2024 Edition of the “Ichu Oda Festival” from Amumu Village of Nsugbe, Anambra State, Nigeria. This year’s event was held on Wednesday, September 18, 2024.
The “Ichu Oda” festival is an age-long tradition that celebrates young maidens and promotes the rights of women in the Nsugbe community. It is held annually as part of the events leading to the traditional “Iri Ji Ofuu (New Yam)” festival in Igbo Land, a highly cherished tradition known as the “Otite Festival” in Nsugbe. This year’s Otite festival is scheduled to hold on Friday, September 27, 2024.
Nsugbe town in Anambra State (South-East Nigeria) is the home town of the OCI Foundation’s President, Dr Chris Ifediora.

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