30 Aug 2021 ALL THE VIDEOS: OCI Foundation at the 21st National Council Meeting on Women Affairs, Uyo, Akwa-Ibom State, Nigeria (August 23-27, 2021).
The OCI Foundation has featured prominently at the 21st National Council Meeting on Women Affairs, which was held at the Ibom Hall, Uyo, Akwa-Ibom State, Nigeria.
The 5-day event was staged from August the 23rd to the 27th, 2021, and was being organized by Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Women Affairs (FMWA). The FMWA is an official partner of the OCI Foundation.
Among the dignitaries in attendance was Nigeria’s Honourable Minister for Women Affairs and Social Development, Her Excellency, Dame Pauline Tallen, as well as governors and first ladies from multiple states in Nigeria.
The OCI Foundation’s team was led by its Akwa-Ibom State Champion, Amb. Dr. Regina Inem (also the CEO and Founder of the Regamos Foundation). She delivered the OCI Foundation’s official speech on Wednesday, August the 25th, 2021. Other representatives of the OCI Foundation at the event include Valentine ODILI, Lucia Chinenye AGBARAKWE, Stephen NWANKWO and Dorcas SAM-AKPABIO.
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